How to Stop Snoring in German Shepherds

In this post, we’ll discuss how to stop snoring in German Shepherds. Some nights you hear your German Shepherd snoring.  While we sometimes find snoring funny and adorable, it is not something we must ignore.

Like in humans and other dogs,snoring in German Shepherds is created by an obstruction in the nostrils, nasal entry, or even the throat that prompts to airway contraction. There are different factors as to why German Shepherds snore: it could be because of their sleeping position, a genetic defect, or other underlying health conditions.

Air Obstruction Causes that lead to Snoring in German Shepherds

There are different things that can cause obstruction in your German Shepherd’s airways and here are some:

  • Sleeping position,
  • Tightness of the jaw,
  • Length of tongue,
  • Touching of throat and mouth tissues,
  • Feeble throat,
  • Fat build up in the throat,
  • And Obstruction in the nasal tube that may or may not be congenital (nasal structure).

Nasal Obstruction Can Cause Snoring in German Shepherds

Foreign objects such as dirt, grass and soil can get into the dog’s nose and create obstructions. Anything that gets stuck in the airways of your German Shepherd can cause snoring.

Snoring in German Shepherds May Be Caused By Their Sleeping Position

Yes, like in humans, a dog’s sleeping position may contribute to his likeliness to snore. German Shepherds are more likely to snore when they sleep on their back or side compared to when they sleep in a curved position or on their stomach.

To find out if the cause of your German Shepherd’s snoring is his sleeping position, change his position every time he snores. If he stops snoring while sleeping in a different position, then the wrong position was the reason for his loud Zzz’s.

Genetics Can Also Cause Snoring in German Shepherds

Unlike Bulldogs, German Shepherds’ genetics aren’t likely to cause snoring. However, there is a very small chance that a GS may be born with abnormal nasal/nose structure that can cause him to snore.

Being Overweight Can Cause Snoring in German Shepherds

Being obese can contribute to snoring in German Shepherds. When a German Shepherd gets too fat, extra throat tissue may grow and create blockage to the airways.

Some Medications Can Cause Snoring in German Shepherds

There are a lot of medicines that can make your German Shepherd snore. Pain meds, sedatives, antihistamines and more have side effects that can make your German Shepherd relax his muscles. This causes muscles around the airways to sag a little and slightly obstruct it, causing snoring. The loud Zzz’s should go away when he’s no longer under medication.

Allergies Can Also Cause Your German Shepherd to Snore

When a German Shepherd suffers from allergies, his airways can swell, causing the airways to get smaller. This makes it harder for your German Shepherd to breathe and snore when sleeping.

To prevent this from happening, you must identify the things that can trigger your German Shepherd’s allergies and prevent him from getting in contact with those.

Tips to Stop Snoring in German Shepherds

To stop your German Shepherd from snoring, it is important to determine the cause of it. That way, you’ll know exactly what to do. But here are some more tips that may help stop snoring in German Shepherds.

  • Keep your German Shepherd fit. Exercise should help him tone his muscles and lessen the chance of snoring.
  • Get your German Shepherd a pillow to put his head on while sleeping.
  • Placing a humidifier where your German Shepherd sleeps might help too. With the additional moisture in the air humidifiers bring, your German Shepherd can breathe better and this lessens chances of snoring.
  • Change your German Shepherd’s sleeping position when you have to.
  • Get your German Shepherd a round bed to encourage him to sleep in a curved position.
  • Keep your German Shepherd dog’s sleeping area clean.
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